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Chilean San Juan ILR#245719 X MGF May Ling ILR#240055
San Paolo has been a key suri building block at Star Llama Company for the last 2 years. He has sired over 20 offspring. His singular genetic suri influence allows his contribution in a breeeding program to be widespread. When he started settling females at 17 months old he was in consideration to breed any female on the farm as he was unrelated to all. He is the sire of lot 13 in your LFA 2010 catalog. He was selected in the field on the McRoberts ranch with the specific goal of adding new unrelated suri influence as well as bringing a brighter cria crop to our darker dams. He did all this well and even produced several appys. He is ready to go to work for you to add that unrelated new dimension to your breeding and marketing program. click here for more photos of San Paolo
MGF San Paolo
MGF San Paolo
Star Prime Performance
Star Prime Performance-Suri Female

Star Power Passion
Star Power Passion-Suri Female

Star Power Player
Star Power Player-Suri Male
Star Genisis
Star Genisis-Suri Female
Star American Excelence
Star American Excelence-Future Herdsire
Star Spindletop
Star Spindletop-Suri Male
Star Premium Property
Star Premium Property-Suri Female
Star Blue Ribbon
Star Blue Ribbon-Suri Female
 Star Bright Edelweiss
Star Bright Edelweiss-Suri Female
Star Bold Envy
Star Bold Envy-Suri Appy Male
Nakoda Star
5-27-09 Appy Female
MGF San Paolo
MGF San Paolo ILR certificate
San Paolo SLA certificate
phone: 734-660-3124